Famous anime word Bankai meaning ?

Exploring the Origins of Bankai in Bleach Anime

Bankai is a word from bleach, you may be a bleach fan or not but you must have heard the word Bankai since it's the most famous and coldest anime sound.

Byakuya Kuchiki' bankai
Image source - Pxfule

The Meaning and Significance of Bankai in Bleach

(Meaning - final release)
The word Bankai have many meaning according to dictionary, but here in bleach the meaning of Bankai is final release or it's on.
          In bleach every important character(soul Ripper) have a sword(zanpacto) as their power source which have two power ups(forms)
           1. Shikai
           2. Bankai
In shikai State soul Rippers and his sword combinationally show some unique power,with holding back his real or true power that is approximately 20% but in Bankai state they don't hold back at all and give it all they have got have got that is 100%. (Additional info. - Here they refers to the soul Rippers and his sword, because in bleach the swords of each soul Rippers also have a soul and personality)

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